It's cool and rainy out today. From the Weird Things at Weird Angles department, here's the beaten-tin Christmas angel who has been hanging from the light fixture over the kitchen table for at least a decade, because who does not need a hovering angel at all times? A closer shot, if not exactly a clearer one:
And my current kitchen-table view as I gear up for the morning's work:
Since the end of last week I've written little introductory essays for Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Ben Jonson, Mark Van Doren --- and now I've got one William Shakespeare, about whom it's hard to think of anything to say, because it's all been said so many times before. I've written most of a sonnet in couplets, and am hung on the last line, so that's something to ponder as I do other things.
I also have laundry to do, and packing. The weather in Memphis this weekend is going to be springlike: fairly warm during the day, cooler at night. I sort of wish it were going to be either hot or cold, because it would be easier to plan what to wear. Transitional dressing is always tricky. I think I will go for longer skirts/dresses with cardigans and closed-toe sandals like my fisherman's-sandal wedges: coverage to stay warm, without being wintry.
Outfit thoughts:
*There's a Friday-night "girls' night" for my class at somebody's house, to which I think I will wear my
grape cotton sheath dress, in combination with . . . something. One idea that crosses my mind is to wear it with a belt and
this duck-egg-blue shirt, rather than a cardigan. The colors would be delicious together, but I'll have to try it on to see what I think of the shape. If it's chillier, I might wear my duck-egg-blue cardigan knotted over it, for much the same color effect.
That I have worn and like as a combination. For shoes, I might wear my gray Chinese Mary Janes, which are the closest thing I have to flats, saving my wedges for Saturday, though of course I
could wear them both nights. Boots seem kind of wintry, though I might bring my Docs and my Sand Dollar Snag Merino tights in case it does feel cold.
*On the Saturday night, there's a dinner at somebody else's house which, if the last reunion is anything to go by, will be billed as dressier but really won't be. To this I've thought about wearing my
pink linen maxi dress which I wore for Easter last year. Instead of the duck-egg-blue cardigan (if I wear that on the Friday night), I might wear my shiny blue shrug with it, plus a belt and wedges. That would be nice, but not over-the-top dressy.
Otherwise, I'll see my mother-in-law and go with my mother to her book club. And I'll be driving.
Sierra will definitely come with me and be appropriate for many circumstances.
Meanwhile, wearing today:

Secondhand purple bamboo swing dress, old thrifted floral mermaid-type skirt, secondhand duster-length cotton-blend cardigan, thrifted Birk Madeiras. It's gray and chilly now, but supposedly going to get warmer, in which case I'll look forward to ditching the cardigan. It feels a little bathrobe-like, but a tunic outfit like this really seems to call for a long cardigan rather than a short one.

I'm still consciously trying to wear things I haven't worn a lot. As always,
the wardrobe tracker is revelatory. I didn't think I'd worn this skirt at all this year; turns out I did wear it on Candelmas, but that's all. It's nice to be able to check my impressions of what I have or haven't worn against an actual record. I do sometimes have to go back and fill in blanks, but so far I've done a decent job of keeping up with it, and it does tell me a lot. If my no-buy-clothing year was meant to impel me to wear and enjoy my existing wardrobe, and to push me to some variety in what I wear, then it's succeeding. I do wear the same things over and over, but I also intersperse them with completely different things, which I do because this blog and my spreadsheet nudge me to do that. Otherwise, I wouldn't think, or make the effort, to put a (to me) interesting variety of outfits together.
Anyway, I'm dressed now. I may try some outfits as I'm packing later on, but for now I have some tasks to attend to.