Looking pretty earth-stood-hard-as-iron out there today. It's been sleeting a little, off and on. The husband is driving home, taking as southerly a route as he can, so I hope he will miss any wintry unpleasantness on the way. Mostly here it's just cold --- not even below freezing right now, though temps could drop.
I have been out to Mass at the Abbey, and now Dora and I are sharing my Ikea chair, which she likes every bit as much as I do. In a few minutes, I think I'll go hang my Epiphany star over the dining-room table and move my Magi to the manger. The real feast of the Epiphany isn't till tomorrow, but this transferred-observance business really just gives us a twofer. That's how I think about it, anyway.
*printing out and working on music for Br. Chrysostom's solemn vows on the 15th
*looking over a fiction project I want to pick up again
*drinking tea, being cozy
Wearing today:
*Wool& Maggie (S/L) in Aegean Teal, bought May 2023, last worn December 11. Worn 24 times last year, first wear in 2025. Worn today as a thermal under-dress.
*Secondhand Not Perfect Linen Smock midi dress (M) in either Dark Turquoise or Emerald Green --- not sure which. Bought November 2024, last worn December 24. Worn 4 times in the roughly 6 weeks I had it in 2024, first wear in 2025.
*Secondhand Connemara merino cardigan, bought September or October 2024, first season of wear.
*Thrifted rayon (though it feels like linen) scarf, bought at Texas Thrift, November 2024. First season of wear.
*Snag cashmere footless tights, bought summer 2024, first season of wear.
*Secondhand Birkenstock Melrose suede boots in Graphite, bought summer 2023, second season of wear.
Feeling like a very warm rhapsody in green today. This penetrating cold is the reason I wanted a thick wool cardigan like the one I'm wearing. AND it's why I'm glad I have wool dresses to wear underneath linen. They make very good thermal layers in the winter. It is so pleasant to sit in the lamplit house and look at the steely gray outside --- though I have been out walking twice today already, which makes me grateful, yet again, for these layers I'm wearing. No bad weather, just bad clothes, and all that. Still, I'm enjoying a day of cocooning.