It's another brilliant day out, as you can see: temperature just now up to freezing, but a projected high of 48F, not bad at all.
Currently there are three towels frozen to the laundry room floor, so I am looking forward to just a little thaw, so that I can prise them up and hang them on the line. This is the result of an event last night, which began with my noticing, when I went to wash my supper dishes, that we had no hot water, and ended ----- well, actually, this is not at all where it ended ---- in my noticing, coming back from a dog walk around 9, that there was water pouring down the back steps. The washing machine, which I had determined to be frozen up (and I am 99.99999999% sure I turned it off again after checking), had apparently thawed at some point and begun to fill and gone on filling for WHO KNOWS how many hours. I called the husband, on the bus home from DC, then while he talked to me, climbed over the appliances ---- because you don't want to step in water that electrical appliances are standing in, for what I would hope were obvious reasons --- found the water valves on the wall behind the washer, and turned off its supply. I was then able to run the final spin cycle to drain it, then throw some towels onto the swimming floor in a futile attempt to deal with the water. If I had been thinking straighter I'd have used the shop vac, but that we own a shop vac has only now occurred to me.
So now I've done a bunch of house laundry by hand in the bathtub and hauled it out to steam and then freeze solid on the line ---- I kind of feel that I've done my workout and am well on my way to being a tough old lady.
The good news is that the hot-water tank is full again, now that it's not all running down the back steps and away into the nIght. Not being really all that tough, I was grateful for a warm bath this morning, instead of a polar-bear plunge.
All clean and wearing today:
*Secondhand Levi's 550 jeans (12), bought January 2025, last worn January 19. Wears in 2025: 3
*Secondhand pink Cynthia Rowley linen top, bought June 2024, first year of wear
*Secondhand green Anthropologie merino-blend (cotton, merino, mohair, cashmere, viscose, nylon) pullover, bought May 2023, second year of wear
*Snag merino tight in Silver Lining, bought fall 2021, third year of wear
*Darn Tough Socks, bought summer 2023, second year of wear
*Secondhand Birkenstock Rosemead clogs, bought February 2023, soon to enter a third year of wear
Today seemed like a good day to follow the outfit plan but also make a point of reaching for some things I haven't worn in a long time. I quite like the results. These jeans continue to loosen up with wear and become more and more comfortable.
Later today I might make a new plan for next week, but now it's time to dry my hair and walk the dog.