Dora sunbathing the other day. No sun really today, and between the houseguests (now departed, but we had fun), the painters on my roof, the roofers next door, and now Eddie the appliance guy who's here to fix the washer, she has spent a lot of time in her crate.
We did indeed stay up talking, eating, and drinking last night, but everybody was in okay form this morning. I've finished and loaded two of my three essays for next week and had phone conversations with my point people for two campus visits (Thomas More College next week, VMI in April). I've made my bed and brought in laundry from the line.
I made Macedonian moussaka for dinner last night, and it was quite delicious, handily feeding two grown men, one teenaged boy, and me, with one lunch's worth of leftovers. This would be fairly easy to do as a vegetarian dish, subbing mushrooms for the ground beef. The original Moosewood Cookbook has a recipe for mushroom moussaka, which is what made me think of it. This version I made last night uses sliced potatoes instead of eggplant, so is a safer dish for company whose tastes you don't know. On the side I served green beans (frozen skinny whole beans) sauteed in olive oil with salt, pepper, and a little garlic powder, and a loaf of crusty Italian bread with butter. Again, quite a good company meal, and easy to execute. I hope that writing about it here means I'll remember it.
Wearing today:
*Secondhand Old Navy pink jeans, bought January 2025, last worn January 21. Wears in 2025: 3
*Secondhand Not Perfect Linen tank (M) in Oatmeal (I think), bought January 2025, last worn January 19. Wears in 2025: 2
*Secondhand Connemara merino cardigan, bought fall 2024, first season of wear
*Farm to Feet merino socks, Christmas gift last year, second season is of wear
*Xero Tari boots, bought summer 2022, third season of wear
It's warmer today, though certainly not quite WARM. I'm comfortable in the house in these layers, but still want a heavy coat for outside. But it's nice to wear some soft spring colors, and especially to give this linen tank an outing ---- it's already a staple and a favorite.
Better go write the appliance guy a check.