Bedroom window with Queen Elizabeth (a.k.a. Monster) roses.
Much work today, but the reward of a pub night tonight.
The very simplest of outfits.
*Wool& Maggie dress (M/Long) in Marine Blue, bought May 2022
*Secondhand Birkenstock Mayaris, bought April 2024
So far today I've
*walked the dog
*done Substack promos on social media (ever my daily task)
*written some new choriambic/dactylic lines as an exercise
*done ten minutes of trampoline jumping/running to music (I time myself by the lengths of the songs)
I did have on a cardigan (left over from yesterday) ---
But really, I'm plenty warm without it.
Sharing this appeal from a writer I admire who's in a crisis, having with his wife just evaporated their meager savings in rescuing a daughter from a dire situation. I have donated, not least because as I get older myself, my sense of how fragile any security can be only grows on me. Though we have stability now, my husband and I could quite readily find ourselves unmoored and living hand-to-mouth in old age. As a young family we did spend time in desperate circumstances, and the kindness of friends and family to us in those difficult days impels me, because I can't pay it back, to extend what I can to people who are seeing the waters close over their heads, and whose aging is eaten up with worry. I won't ask you to do anything, necessarily, but I am bringing these people and their situation to your notice.
And on with my day.
Quick outfit tweak for pub night.
Just add jean jacket (Loft, thrifted probably five years ago, if not more). I also braided my hair, because it had gone pretty limp, and folded it up and clipped it with my new favorite triangular rose-pink claw clip.
Dora and I have been sunning on the front porch, reading about Darwin (and also reading The Voyage of the Beagle, because it's going to be hard to write about Darwin if we haven't actually read him within recent memory). And we've been for another little walk. But now the husband will be getting out of class, and it is devoutly to be hoped that he will not be waylaid by anything on his way out of the building, because those of us who are invited out to the pub (i.e., not Dora) are feeling very ready to go.