Clear skies last night. We put the older son on the plane at 5 p.m. and went out to the pub to drown our sorrows in brisket tacos, which were very delicious indeed.
Today is warm and springlike --- hard to believe that a week ago we were having temperatures in the single digits. I've been out to the dog park with Dora and have spent time dealing with an extended-family situation related to an elderly relative's victimization by phone scammers. So it's been kind of an up-and-down day. And now it looks like rain, but at least it's warm out.
Wearing today:
Wool& Camellia, thrifted cardigan, thrifted bamboo leggings, Tari boots with Boody socks (hidden).
It feels weird to type "Day 363" for this no-buy year. I can't wait for it to be over. I have some Poshmark items queued up in readiness . . . I might actually have given myself a little Christmas gift and should probably just call it a year, but something in me is determined to mark 365 whole days, even if they have not in fact been 365 days of buying nothing. It's been more like 365 days (or 363, as of today) of saying to myself, "I am not supposed to buy anything. I am rationalizing breaking my own rule . . ." And boy, am I tired of that. It does make me want to binge with abandon, though I will restrain myself, I hope!
My dealing-with-phone-scams, you-sent-them-HOW-much-money?? face:

I will say this: Poshmark could be a problem, though at least it's not the physical thrift store, with EVERYTHING right in my face. I can at least do targeted searches on Poshmark and be tempted only by things in the sphere of what I really want (as opposed to just something). I have been looking at merino cardigans as a priority, since I have decided to fill in with those kinds of items on the front end, rather than moving immediately to another dress. I do want a couple more dresses in the coming year, but I think I had better consider the rest of my closet first, and invest in some items either to replace accessories that are wearing out, OR to up my store of layers that are actually warm, breathable, and versatile, in the way that only merino really is.
Things I'm thinking about:
*Getting through the rest of the winter, since our cold season really only begins in earnest in December and continues, at least off and on, until the end of April. Three of my five wool dresses are sleeveless, so to get the most out of my wardrobe, I need more good, warm layers. And the good thing about merino is that it's not only warm but also cool when the weather is warmer. It's perfect for the changeable temperatures all through a North Carolina winter and spring. And different kinds of cardigans --- colors, shapes, lengths --- will transform any given dress in as many ways as I have cardigans, to make distinct outfits.
*Lent. I know, I know, we're only just through Advent. But it's fresh in my mind that I could use some more purple to Lentify my closet, as well as just to wear. I have to remember that I actually like purple, even outside the penitential seasons. I will *quite possibly* buy one of my new dresses with Lent in mind. One thing I'm thinking is a
marionberry Sierra, because I love the Sierra I have so much --- but buying a
marionberry long-sleeved tee to go with it, so that I would have essentially a long-sleeved dress (but only when I wanted long sleeves). BUT I could do with at least one more, and one warmer, purple cardigan or pullover.
*Summer. It's a long way away. I have a long time to think about it. But among other things, I'm going in July to spend a week at the University of St. Thomas's MFA Summer Residency program, to read from the novel and to appear on an editing panel with my anthology co-editor. Suddenly I have to consider being faculty/a visiting writer, and how to look like such a thing with the clothes I have. I will definitely buy at least one dress between now and then with that week in mind.
That's one reason why I'd consider another Sierra, rather than a
Margo, for example, even though I really like the Margo. I'd consider one for next winter, for sure. But at this point in the year, even with a lot of winter and chilly spring to get through, any investment I make is going to be with next summer in mind. I'm already thinking about cooler top layers, like lightweight duster-length cardigans, that would make my existing dresses look more professional, without adding warmth. You can wear layers like that even in the winter, under a coat, but you definitely want them in the summer, for air conditioning but also for more polish in your outfit. And it makes sense to add things gradually and get used to wearing them and making outfits with them, rather than panic-buying when the event is right upon me. I have readings coming up this spring as well, so I can practice looking nice and feeling good in what I'm wearing.
I have homed in on a particular J. Jill linen-blend duster cardigan in a kind of champagne-y beige. It's exactly what I want and need, to go with literally any of my dresses for that extra polish. BUT merino cardigans can potentially serve me, even in the midsummer Texas heat. There will be air conditioning, and it will be refrigerant. But also, I wore my alpaca cardigan constantly in Dallas in October and wasn't too hot. I could wear a blazer-style merino cardigan (which could come off if I did get too hot) as a third layer for a presentation or dinner. Talbots has the kind of thing I'm thinking of, with multiple examples up on Poshmark now, at reasonable prices. I'd also really like to add a linen button shirt, in white or off-white, probably, to wear as a layer over dresses in the summer.
It makes sense to me to spend my first-quarter clothing budget, such as it is, on items like this. I will also keep in mind dresses I might potentially buy. I have my eye on the garnet summer midi, which I think I'd wear a lot, and which would be a fantastic occasion dress. I have cardigans that would go with it. I have my eye on other potential cardigans that would work with it. I have my eye on a pair of sandals (though a red dress AND red Mary Janes *could* be a thing, in the right mood). I'm also kind of looking at the Sofia again. I'll probably end up choosing between that and the Summer Midi for an Easter dress (yeah, red for an Easter dress? would that be weird?).
At any rate, I am thinking about a list of dresses I like as I also consider adding to my cardigan stash. I need to lay it all out and do some culling, too. I think it's not bad to have a lot of cardigans and other sweaters, because they do transform a basic dress into a particular kind of outfit, and that's where the fun in your wardrobe lies. "Capsule" doesn't have to mean "5 pieces of clothing." I could really have a capsule around each dress. And I'd like, more and more as time goes by, for that capsule to be really quality clothing. Doesn't have to be new or expensive, just high-quality natural fibers in what I'd think of as investment pieces, even if I didn't pay investment prices. I also want those pieces to fit well (I think I'm getting rid of my big long duster cardigan, for example, because it is. just. too. big). My overall goal here is to be well-dressed --- good clothes, good colors, good shapes, good fit --- but not expensively, by and large, and not as anyone other than myself.