In my daughter's house, my paternal grandmother on her wedding day in 1925. 

We rolled in around 7 last night; a largely sleepless night ensued, at least for me, of dealing with an antsy, vocal dog. But everyone is up now, at 8:30 a.m., and we'll be heading toward the campus soon. I was going to go for a 9 a.m. Mass, but upon reflection, I think I'm going to wait for 11 on campus, while kids do their move-in things. 

This will be brief, because I am tired. 

Wearing today: 

Camellia + thrifted Athleta drape cardigan + Xero Cassies. 

How I'm feeling about this day: two views. 


The All-Night Loud-Mouth Twit:

And the Good Dog. 

Not that I have favorites at the moment or anything. 

Emotional support dogs, there to help people eat string cheese: 


Have gone to Mass (lovely), then out to lunch with some Mater Amabilis friends. The offspring took my car to move into the dorm, then go to the storage unit, which was closed because it's Sunday, and they are locked out of their account for some reason so couldn't access the gate code, but shot the rapids to follow another car in, and then couldn't get out again, but somehow, miraculously, now have. How's my day going? Better than theirs, although I'm still waiting for my blood pressure to drop back down into normal range. 

Plenty comfortable in my Camellia, though. She was a good dress choice for a crowded, hot Mass and even relatively cool Texas weather. 


Apparently today is "natural fibers outfit day?" Fortunately most days are that day for me, so I was appropriately dressed to celebrate. I really liked the light-gray Athleta cardigan with my royal-blue dress --- and had only the very most minimal dye transfer this time. I hope that's all calming down.