Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice. . .
More random frozen-Sunday-morning images:
Wearing to Mass:
I'm giving the dresses a rest and wearing one of the last things I bought in 2021: this vintage 90s April Cornell rayon skirt. This is its first outing, and although the fabric has more of a crépe de chine feel than I had anticipated when I bought it on Ebay, I really love it.
I am repeating my thrifted gray-blue wool pullover sweater for the third day in a row, because wool, amirite? Wearing it today over my blue merino WoolX tee for extra warmth, and thick cotton-blend leggings under my skirt as well. My camel boots are faux-fur lined and very warm.
I'm going to wear a coat to church, but I was out for a good ten minutes just now and not really that cold, even though the entire bright world is frozen stiff.
Dora in sunlight, looking pretty: