I'm such a sucker for the "bowl of fruit still-life" genre.
A quickie today, though I might be back to add cooking and table pictures as the situation develops. So far we've just been for a walk (Dora rolled in some other dog's poop, so she has been exhaustively cleaned, and her leash and harness are in the dryer as we speak), and I've gotten dressed and ready for the day's action.
My Camellia challenge dress, plus thrifted Liz Clairborne cotton ragg sweater, plus Snag tights in "Thicket," plus Birk Madeiras, plus dog. Day 7 hair in a ponytail. Layered longer necklace, because the sweater is a little boxy.
Lovely morning light. The weather continues cold, so I'm glad to have a wool dress on, over a bamboo base-layer slip. On today's agenda:
*fold laundry
*send kids to apply for passports
*make pies, cornbread dressing, corn pudding for tomorrow
*set table (cause napkins to be ironed, any silver needing polishing to be polished)
*hotdogs for dinner, because we have them in the freezer and though we don't habitually eat them, they are no-brainer food for the night before a holiday meal.
Possibly more later . . .