At home, but heading back to the Abbey soon. It's been lovely to recuperate a bit and sleep in my own bed, and I've done a lot of revision and polishing this morning, but I think I'd better remove myself to my hermitage anon.
I went spelunking in the outbox last night and retrieved this little microfiber dress I bought at Goodwill several years ago. It's really too short to wear on its own, and I've been of many minds about it as a tunic, but I do love the fabric and the pattern. I hadn't meant to wear anything over my Camellia today, but I popped on the microfiber dress, just to see how it would look as a dress-over-a-dress. Verdict: not bad at all, but then I tried knotting it and liked that even better. I guess this means the microfiber dress is an outbox rescue, at least for the time being.
Webcam self-portrait with shredder and closet door.